You're on the IP SAVVYS book website...Draft and File Utility Patents "Right-First-Time" using The Schwartz Method (TSM)

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Book Synopsis: Watch the short video intro. The Synopsis and Table of Contents follow below.

Hello, my name is David Schwartz. I’m the original inventor of the surface computer, serial inventor, founder of 3 start-ups, and creator of the self-paced Intellectual Property BoostCamp (IP-BC) on-line patent drafting course. Now, I offer the fundamentals of drafting using the Schwartz Method (TSM) in the ground-breaking  "Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS" book. It captures all of the elements of The Schwartz Method (TSM) along with the IP conversation changing points taught in my multi-LEVEL patenting course.  


Book Synopsis/Table of Contents 

TSM...the Secret Sauce of utility patent drafting from Schwartz:

Not only will you get a birds-eye view of everything you need to know about The Schwartz Method (TSM) for utility patenting (but were afraid to ask/pre-requisite reading for Pressman's Patent It Yourself/Nolo Press), but you will also get the entire litany of conversation changing pointers for (1) inventors talking points with their patent counsel and (2) patent counsel points of understanding for conferring with their innovation engagement clients.

Table of Contents:

How to read this book and how it is organized

About your author: David Charles Schwartz

Prologue: The Schwartz Method

Part 1 Basics of what the utility patenting conversation is all about

1.0       Patent construct fundamentals

1.1 Patent basics: What is a patent?

1.2 The patent structure

1.3 What is patentable and what is required for a compliant patent application

1.4 Patentability: Eligibility, novelty, nonobviousness

1.5 Ownership considerations

1.6 The formal process of converting an idea to a patent

2.0       Getting the patent: From trade secret to drafting, filing, prosecution, and allowance

2.1 Your idea is a trade secret until it isn’t: Trade secrets

2.2 Drafting basics

2.3 Preparation of the DOC PAK and filing in your home country

2.4 Patent choice (what to file): provisional or non-provisional

2.5 Prosecution choice: Normal, Priority, Accelerated, Patent Prosecution Highway, and Special Petitions

2.6 Filing globally: International filing considerations

2.7 Prosecution

2.8 In the clinches of prosecution with the examiner

2.9 International prosecution

2.10 Allowed, issued, term, maintenance, and defense

3.0 More about MPEP fundamentals on patentability and prior art

3.1 Patentability in the context of prior art and the purpose of search

3.2 More on prior art: Rule 102: Public disclosure—engagement with others

3.3 When you search in other fields of art

3.4 More on when prior art is used, how it is used, and where it is used

3.5 Search and prior art: Other places where it fits in

3.6 How to change the conversations on your pathway to patentship

Part 2 Changing your utility patenting conversation

4.0 Changing your Utility Patenting Conversation

4.1 Changing your IP conversation: Changing what? With whom? How?

4.2 The nature of the conversation

4.3 Reminder: Truths, trade-offs, and the before-during-after approach

5.0 Changing the utility patenting conversation starts with drafting airtight patents

5.1 Drafting with the Schwartz Method (TSM)

5.2 What is the Schwartz Method

5.2 If you have a patentable invention, how and when should you engage outside counsel?

5.3 How are you going to get there? Invention disclosure document vs. utility compliant disclosure vs. draft patent application vs. provisional vs. non-provisional patent application

5.4 Further steps in perfecting the P-E

5.5 Moving your invention into a form that can be adequately represented before deciding on what type of patent application to file

5.6 Layman vs. legal claim representations

5.7 Fundamental difference between the structure of a patent application and the Schwartz Patent Rubric

5.8 What it’s going to look like in the end – the patent application formation

5.9 More on actual drafting guidelines: Moving through a set of IDPAW drafts

6.0. Fundamentals of changing the filing conversation: Types of filing (PE, AE, PPH, SP)

6.1 Basics of changing the prosecution pathway

6.2 Accelerated examination (AE)

6.3 Prioritized examination (PE)

6.4 Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)

6.5 Petitions to make special (SP)

7. Fundamentals of changing the prosecution conversation

7.1 Prosecution basics and what to expect

7.2 When patent counsel asks you if you even want to proceed

7.3 When the innovator takes the lead in the prosecution gambit

7.4 How it works from the inside-out

7.5 Be responsive and be positive

7.6 Summary conversation change pointers

8.0 Fundamentals of changing the conversation about after allowance considerations

8.1 Patentability vs. patent infringement

8.2 What it means to infringe

8.3 If and when it happens – how to think about it and what to do

8.4 Infringement can be even more complex

8.5 Summary conversation change points

9.0 Now for more angles on patent tactics and strategies

9.1 Understand what the lawyers are saying – then change the conversation

9.2 To be or not to be? Pursue a patent at all?

9.3 Other things you may be told and how to respond

9.4 One-year rule considerations

9.5 Using provisional applications vs. non-provisional applications

9.6 Non-provisional applications and foreign filing

9.7 Patent value

9.8 More considerations – stopping others, protecting freedom to operate

9.9 Patent tactics: The filing document packet (DOC PAK)

9.10 The one-year rule revisited one more time

9.11 More on AIA, first to file, and alternative game plans

9.12 What about trial case law and its impact on your patent claiming

9.13 Patent ownership considerations

9.14 General guidance pointers

10. The great debate—summary guidance: He said, she said

10.1 When the games are underway

10.2 Before

10.3 During

10.4 After

11.0 General business considerations

11.1 Introduction to business considerations and the BBT

11.2 Before

11.3 During

11.4 After

APPENDIX – The Schwartz Method revealed

Detailed description of the Schwartz Method and how it works

GLOSSARY – Key terms used that are integral to the Schwartz Method


Book Synopsis:

It is a crash course on utility patenting for both innovators and patent counsel alike. I share my lessons learned over 30 years patenting pro se, filing globally, and licensing for revenues on royalty bearing sales. My objective is to complement my on-line course with a one-stop read that demystifies the process of preparing and filing utility patents with sustainable competitive advantage.  Everything is explained in non-legalease language from the inventor point of view. The book is laid out with concise infographics and easy to digest patent tips and tricks that will give you 20-20 hindsight into what to do, what to say, and when as you journey down the IP corridor of uncertainty.  

My core teaching is an engineering discipline for utility patenting I have coined  “The Schwartz Method”. It is a proven framework for patent drafting and the only method you will need in your tool-bag for securing utility patents that issue with clean file wrappers and claims scoped to your intended monopoly rights.  

Use the book as a stand-alone resource to refocus your IP workflow or use it in combination with my on-line course to boost your team’s savvy and ensure everyone’s in the IP zone together. Get started today and rein in millions of future value by building a strong patent foundation using TSM.

Here are some more details on the book: This book offers a proven framework for self-managing the process of securing world class utility patents.  If you're on the patenting pathway, uncertain about your critical IP tasks, find out which steps to take and when. This book is your definitive guide to navigating the pathway to patentship, all the while avoiding Fatal Office Action Rejections (FOARs).

IP SAVVYS is "everything utility patents" because the sole focus of the book is drafting and prosecuting Utility Patents with Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). Use this book to get everyone on the team IP SAVVY and change your IP conversation. When everyone is in the IP zone, you will accelerate down your IP learning curve.

I re-worked and perfected my Schwartz method as "a matter of life or death" on dozens of pro sea utility patents, across diverse subject matter. When you use my Universal Patenting Language (UPL) and Guiding Principles (GP) you will be able to change your utility patenting coversation and get your IP quarry at the lowest cost and highest quality.

The book is in TWO PARTS.

Part-1 gets everyone on the same page about patent structure and semantics covering the MPEP rules for filing utility compliant provisional and non-provisional patents in non-legalese terms.

PART-2 I cover the myths and truths about patents and share dozens of conversation changing opportunities to control your patent workflow and patent spend. When you start at T=-5 (conception) and go forward with UPL and GP to the key event, Notice of Allowance, at T=0, you will see how your "world begins" the way you want it to. You control your own destiny.

I use my Big Bang Theory of IP capitalization throughout, to integrate my Schwartz Method with the product development life cycle, enabling patents to pop when your product is marketed. My promise: using this book IP hunters like yourselves can create, draft, and file high quality utility patents with Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA), while doing product development, all at the lowest cost.

This book is a stand-alone guide for understanding MPEP, learning The Schwartz Method, and getting SCA utility patents. If you want to boost your understanding and improve your learning outcomes, then use the coupon in the book to take IP-BC/ADVANCED at a substantial discount. IP-BC is my on-line utility patenting course that accompanies this book.

You can find the course at :

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